


Evaluation is a generic process that considers whether the performance of something is acceptable, value for money etc. – and whether it will be proceeded with, accepted into use, paid for, etc.

Purpose, goal and objective 

The purpose of evaluation is to provide a consistent and standardized means of determining the performance of a service change in the context of existing and proposed services and IT infrastructure. The actual performance of a change is assessed against its predicted performance and any deviations between the two are understood and managed. The goal of evaluation is to set stakeholder expectations correctly and provide effective and accurate information to Change Management to make sure changes that adversely affect service capability and introduce risk are not transitioned unchecked.
The objective is to:

  • Evaluate the intended effects of a service change and as much of the unintended effects as is reasonably practical given capacity, resource and organizational constraints 
  • Provide good quality outputs from the evaluation process so that Change Management can expedite an effective decision about whether a service change is to be approved or not.


Specifically in this section we consider the evaluation of new or changed services defined by Service Design, during deployment and before final transition to service operations. The importance of evaluating the actual performance of any service change against its anticipated performance is an important source of information to service providers to help ensure that expectations set are realistic and to identify that if there are any reasons that production performance does not meet what was expected.

Value to business

Evaluation is, by its very nature, concerned with value. Specifically effective evaluation will establish the use made of resources in terms of delivered benefit and this information will allow a more accurate focus on value in future service development and Change Management. There is a great deal of intelligence that Continual Service Improvement can take from evaluation to analyse future improvements to the process of change and the predictions and measurement of service change performance.

Policies, principles and basic concepts 


  • The following policies apply to the evaluation process: 
  • Service Designs or service changes will be evaluated before being transitioned. 
  • Any deviation between predicted and actual performance will be managed by the customer or customer representative by accepting the change even though actual performance is different to what was predicted; rejecting the change; or requiring a new change to be implemented with revised predicted performance agreed in advance. No other outcomes of evaluation are allowed. 
  • An evaluation shall not be performed without a customer engagement package


The following principles shall guide the execution evaluation process: 
  • As far as is reasonably practical, the unintended as well as the intended effects of a change need to be identified and their consequences understood and considered. 
  • A service change will be fairly, consistently, openly and, wherever possible, objectively evaluated. 
Basic concepts 

The evaluation process uses the Plan–Do–Check–Act (PDCA) model to ensure consistency across all evaluations.

Evaluation report
The evaluation report contains the following sections. 

Risk profile 

A representation of the residual risk left after a change has been implemented and after countermeasures have been applied. 

Deviations report 

The difference between predicted and actual performance following the implementation of a change. 

A qualification statement (if appropriate) 

Following review of qualification test results and the qualification plan, a statement of whether or not the change has left the service in a state whereby it could not be qualified. 
A validation statement (if appropriate) 

Following review of validation test results and the validation plan, a statement of whether or not the change has left the service in a state whereby it could not be validated. 

A recommendation

Based on the other factors within the evaluation report, a recommendation to 
Change Management to accept or reject the change: 
  • Review and close transition
  • Knowledge Management. 
Triggers, inputs and outputs and inter-process interfaces 

  • Request for Evaluation from Service Transition manager or Change Management 
  • Activity on Project Plan. 
  • Service package
  • SDP and SAC 
  • Test results and report. 
  • Evaluation report for Change Management. 
Information management
  • Service Portfolio
  • Service package 
  • SDP, SAC 
  • Test results and report 
  • Evaluation report. 
Key performance indicators and metrics 

The customer/business KPIs are: 
  • Variance from service performance required by customers (minimal and reducing) 
  • Number of incidents against the service (low and reducing). 
The internal KPIs include: 
  • Number of failed designs that have been transitioned (zero) 
  • Cycle time to perform an evaluation (low and reducing). 

Challenges include: 
  • Developing standard performance measures and measurement methods across projects and suppliers 
  • Projects and suppliers estimating delivery dates inaccurately and causing delays in scheduling evaluation activities 
  • Understanding the different stakeholder perspectives that underpin effective risk management for the evaluation activities 
  • Understanding, and being able to assess, the balance between managing risk and taking risks as it affects the overall strategy of the organization and service delivery 
  • Measuring and demonstrating less variation in predictions during and after transition
  • Taking a pragmatic and measured approach to risk 
  • Communicating the organization’s attitude to risk and approach to risk management effectively during risk evaluation 
  • Building a thorough understanding of risks that have impacted or may impact successful Service Transition of services and releases 
  • Encouraging a risk management culture where people share information.

Knowledge Management

The ability to deliver a quality service or process rests to a significant extent on the ability of those involved to respond to circumstances – and that in turn rests heavily on their understanding of the situation, the options and the consequences and benefits, i.e. their knowledge of the situation they are, or may find themselves, in. That knowledge within the Service Transition domain might include:
· Identity of stakeholders
· Acceptable risk levels and performance expectations
· Available resource and timescales.
The quality and relevance of the knowledge rests in turn on the accessibility, quality and continued relevance of the underpinning data and information available to service staff.

Purpose, goal and objective

The purpose of Knowledge Management is to ensure that the right information is delivered to the appropriate place or competent person at the right time to enableminformed decision.

The goal of Knowledge Management is to enable organizations to improve the quality of management decision making by ensuring that reliable and secure information and data is available throughout the service lifecycle.
The objectives of Knowledge Management include:

  • · Enabling the service provider to be more efficient and improve quality of service, increase satisfaction and reduce the cost of service
  • · Ensuring staff have a clear and common understanding of the value that their services provide to customers and the ways in which benefits are realized from the use of those services
  • · Ensuring that, at a given time and location, service provider staff have adequate information on:
· Who is currently using their services
· The current states of consumption
· Service delivery constraints
· Difficulties faced by the customer in fully realizing the benefitsexpected from the service.

Service Validation and Testing

The underlying concept to which Service Testing and Validation contributes is quality assurance – establishing that the Service Design and release will deliver a new or changed service or service offering that is fit for purpose and fit for use. Testing is a vital area within Service Management and has often been the unseen underlying cause of what was taken to be inefficient Service Management processes. If services are not tested sufficiently then their introduction into the operational environment will bring a rise in:

· Incidents, since failures in service elements and mismatches between
what was wanted and what was delivered impact on business support
· Service desk calls for clarification, since services that are not functioning
as intended are inherently less intuitive causing a higher support
· Problems and errors that are harder to diagnose in the live environment
· Costs, since errors are more expensive to fix in production than if found in
· Services that are not used effectively by the users to deliver the desired

Purpose, goal and objectives

· Plan and implement a structured validation and test process that provides
objective evidence that the new or changed service will support the
customer’s business and stakeholder requirements, including the agreed
service levels
· Quality assure a release, its constituent service components, the resultant
service and service capability delivered by a release
· Identify, assess and address issues, errors and risks throughout Service

The goal of Service Validation and Testing is to assure that a service will provide
value to customers and their business.

The objectives of Service Validation and Testing are to:

· Provide confidence that a release will create a new or changed service or service offerings that deliver the expected outcomes and value for the customers within the projected costs, capacity and constraints
· Validate that a service is ‘fit for purpose’ – it will deliver the required performance with desired constraints removed
· Assure a service is ‘fit for use’ – it meets certain specifications under the specified terms and conditions of use
· Confirm that the customer and stakeholder requirements for the new or changed service are correctly defined and remedy any errors or variances early in the service lifecycle as this is considerably cheaper than fixing errors in production.


The service provider takes responsibility for delivering, operating and/or maintaining customer or service assets at specified levels of warranty, under a service agreement. Service Validation and Testing can be applied throughout the service lifecycle to quality assure any aspect of a service and the service providers’ capability, resources and capacity to deliver a service and/or service release successfully. In order to validate and test an end-to-end service the interfaces to suppliers, customers and partners are important. Service provider interface definitions define the boundaries of the service to be tested, e.g. process interfaces and organizational interfaces.

Testing is equally applicable to in-house or developed services, hardware, software or knowledge-based services. It includes the testing of new or changed services or service components and examines the behaviour of these in the target business unit, service unit, deployment group or environment. This environment could have aspects outside the control of the service provider, e.g. public networks, user skill levels or customer assets. Testing directly supports the release and deployment process by ensuring that appropriate levels of testing are performed during the release, build and deployment activities. It evaluates the detailed service models to ensure that they are fit for purpose and fit for use before being authorized to enter Service Operations, through the service catalogue. The output from testing is used by the evaluation process to provide the information on whether the service is independently judged to be delivering the service performance with an acceptable risk profile.

Value to business
Service failures can harm the service provider’s business and the customer’s assets and result in outcomes such as loss of reputation, loss of money, loss of time, injury and death. The key value to the business and customers from Service Testing and Validation is in terms of the established degree of confidence that a new or changed service will deliver the value and outcomes required of it and understanding the risks. Successful testing depends on all parties understanding that it cannot give,
indeed should not give, any guarantees but provides a measured degree of confidence. The required degree of confidence varies depending on the customer’s business requirements and pressures of an organization.

Service asset and configuration management

 A guide to service asset and configuration management

The goal of service asset and configuration management

The goals of configuration management are to:

  • „ Support many of the ITIL processes by providing accurate configuration information to assist decision making, e.g. the authorisation of changes, the planning of releases, and to help resolve incidents and problems faster
  • Minimise the number of quality and compliance issues caused by incorrect or inaccurate configuration of services and assets
  • „To define and control the components of services and infrastructure and maintain accurate configuration information on the historical, planned and current state of the services and infrastructure

The purpose and objectives of service asset and configuration management

The purpose of service asset and configuration management is to:
  • „ Identify, control, record, report, audit and verify service assets and configuration items
  • „ Account for, manage and protect the integrity of service assets and configuration items through the service 
  • lifecycle by ensuring that only authorised components are used and only authorised changes are made
  • „ Ensure the integrity of the assets and configurations required to control the services and IT infrastructure by 
  • establishing and maintaining an accurate and complete configuration management system.
The scope of service asset and configuration management

Asset management covers service assets across the whole service lifecycle. It provides a complete inventory of assets and who is responsible for their control. It includes:
  • Full lifecycle management of IT and service assets, from the point of acquisition through to disposal
  • „ Maintenance of the asset inventory. Configuration management ensures that selected components of a service, system or product (the configuration) are identified, baselined and maintained and that changes to them are controlled. It also ensures that releases into controlled environments and operational use are done on the basis of formal approvals
  • „ The scope covers interfaces to internal and external service providers where there are assets and configuration items that need to be controlled, e.g. shared assets
Value to business of service asset and configuration management

Optimisation of the performance of service assets improves the overall service performance and optimises the costs  and risks caused by poorly managed assets, e.g. service outages, correct licence fees and failed audits. Service asset and configuration management provides visibility of accurate representations of a service, release, or environment that enables:
  • „ Better planning of changes and releases
  • „ Improved Incidents and problems resolution
  • „ Service levels and warranties to be delivered
  • „ Better adherence to standards, legal and regulatory obligations (less non-conformances)
  • „ Changes to be traceable
  • „ The ability to identify the costs for a service
Service asset and configuration management policies
Service asset and configuration management policies, objectives, scope and principles and critical success factors (CSFs) need to be developed. These policies are often considered with the change and release and deployment management policies as they are closely related.
There are significant costs and resources implications to implementing service asset and configuration management and therefore decisions need to be made about the priorities to be addressed.
Many IT organisations focus initially on the basic IT assets (hardware and software) and the services and assets that are business critical or covered by legal and regulatory compliance, e.g. software licensing.

Service asset and configuration management principles

The main policy sets out the framework and key principles against which assets and configurations are developed and maintained. Typical principles include:
  • „ Ensuring that asset and configuration management operations costs and resources are controlled
  • „ The need to deliver corporate governance requirements, e.g. software asset management
  • „ The requirement for available, reliable and cost effective services
  • „ The transformation from find and fix reactive maintenance to predict and prevent proactive management
  • „ The level of control and requirements for traceability and audit
  • „ Provision of accurate asset and configuration information for other business and service management processes
  • „ Level of automation to reduce errors and costs
Basic concepts of service asset and configuration management

The configuration model

Configuration management delivers a model of the services, assets and the infrastructure by recording the 
relationships between configuration items. This enables other processes to access valuable information, e.g.:
  • „ To assess the impact of proposed changes
  • „ To assess the impact and cause of incidents and problems
  • „ To plan and design new or changed services
  • „ To plan technology refresh and software upgrades
  • „ To plan release and deployment packages and migrate service assets to different locations and service centres
Configuration items
A configuration item (CI) is an asset, service component or other item that is, or will be, under the control of 
configuration management.
Configuration items may vary widely in complexity, size and type, ranging from an entire service or system including all hardware, software, documentation and support staff to a single software module or a minor hardware component.
Configuration items may be grouped and managed together, e.g. a set of components may be grouped into a release. 
Configuration items should be selected using established selection criteria, grouped, classified and identified in such a way that they are manageable and traceable throughout the service lifecycle.

The Configuration Management System (CMS)

To manage large and complex IT services and infrastructures, service asset and configuration management requires the use of a supporting system known as the Configuration Management System (CMS).
The CMS holds all the information for CIs within the designated scope. Some of these items will have related 
specifications or files that contain the contents of the item, e.g. software, document or photograph. For example, a service CI will include the details such as supplier, cost, purchase date and renewal date for licences and maintenance contracts and the related documentation such as Service Level Agreements and underpinning contracts. The CMS maintains the relationships between all service components and any related incidents, problems, known errors, change and release documentation and may also contain data about suppliers, locations and business units, customers and users.

The Definitive Media Library (DML)

The Definitive Media Library (DML) is the secure library in which the definitive authorised versions of all media CIs are stored and protected. It stores master copies of versions that have passed quality assurance checks.
This library may consist of one or more software libraries or file storage areas, separate from development, test or live file store areas. It contains the master copies of all controlled software in an organisation. The DML should include definitive copies of purchased software (along with licence documents or information), as well as software developed on site. Master copies of controlled documentation for a system are also stored in the DML in electronic form.
The DML will also include a physical store to hold master copies, e.g. a fireproof safe. Only authorized media should be accepted into the DML, strictly controlled by SACM.
The exact configuration of the DML is defined during the planning activities. The definition includes:
  • „ Medium, physical location, hardware and software to be used, if kept online – some Configuration Management support tools incorporate document or software libraries, which can be regarded as a logical part of a DML
  • „ Security arrangements for submitting changes and issuing documentation and software, plus backup and recovery procedures
  • „ Capacity plans for the DML and procedures for monitoring growth in size 
  • Audit procedures
  • „ Procedures to ensure that the DML is protected from erroneous or unauthorized change (e.g. entry and exit  criteria for items)
Definitive spares
An area should be set aside for the secure storage of definitive hardware spares. These are spare components and assemblies that are maintained at the same level as the comparative systems within the controlled test or live environment. Details of these components, their locations and their respective builds and contents should be comprehensively recorded in the CMS. These can then be used in a controlled manner when needed for additional systems or in the recovery from incidents. Once their (temporary) use has ended, they are returned to the spares store or replacements are obtained.
Service asset and configuration management process activities

Management and planning

The management team and configuration management should decide what level of configuration management 
is required for the selected service or project that is delivering changes and how this level will be achieved. This is documented in a configuration management plan.
Often there will be a configuration management plan for a project, service or groups of services, e.g. network services. These plans define the specific configuration management activities within the context of the overarching service asset and configuration management strategy.

Configuration identification

When planning configuration identification it is important to:
  • „ Define how the types of assets and configuration items are to be selected, grouped, classified and defined by appropriate characteristics to ensure that they are manageable and traceable throughout their lifecycle
  • „ Define the approach to identification, uniquely naming and labelling all the assets or service components of interest across the service lifecycle and the relationships between them
  • „ Define the roles and responsibilities of the owner or custodian for configuration item type at each stage of its lifecycle, e.g. the service owner for a service package or release at each stage of the service lifecycle.
The configuration identification process activities are to:
  • „ Define and document criteria for selecting configuration items and the components that compose them
  • „ Select the configuration items and the components that compose them based on documented criteria
  • „ Assign unique identifiers to configuration items
  • „ Specify the relevant attributes of each configuration item
  • „ Specify when each configuration item is placed under configuration management
  • „ Identify the owner responsible for each configuration item
Naming configuration items

Naming conventions should be established and applied to the identification of all CIs. Individual CIs should be uniquely identifiable by means of the identifier and version. The naming conventions should be unique and take into account the existing corporate or supplier naming/numbering structures.
The naming conventions should include the management of:
  • „ Hierarchical relationships between CIs within a configuration structure
  • „ Hierarchical or subordinate relationships in each CI
  • „ Relationships between CIs and their associated documents
  • „ Relationships between CIs and changes
  • „ Relationships between CIs, incidents, problems and known errors
Labelling configuration items

All physical device CIs should be labelled with the configuration identifier so that they can be easily identified. Plans should be made to label CIs and to maintain the accuracy of their labels. Items need to be distinguished by unique, durable identification.
A standard policy on labelling hardware is beneficial at the users/service desk, e.g. if all hardware is labelled in the bottom left-hand corner of the left side, it is much quicker and easier to explain to the user where they will find the required information.

Attributes for configuration items

Attributes describe the characteristics of a CI that are valuable to record and which will support service asset and configuration management and the ITSM processes it supports.
Typical attributes include:
  • „ Unique identifier
  • „ CI type
  • „ Name/description
  • „ Version (e.g. file, build, baseline, release)
  • „ Location
  • „ Supply date
  • „ Licence details, e.g. expiry date
  • „ Owner/custodian
  • „ Status
  • „ Supplier/source
  • „ Related documents
  • „ Historical data, e.g. audit trail
  • „ Relationship type
Relationship types

Relationships describe how the configuration items work together to deliver the services.
These relationships are held in the CMS – this is the major difference between what is recorded in a CMS and what is held in an asset register.
The relationships between CIs are maintained so as to provide dependency information.
For example:
  • „ A CI is a part of another CI
  • „ A CI is connected to another CI
  • „ A CI uses another CI
  • „ A CI is installed on another

Configuration control

Configuration control ensures that there are adequate control mechanisms over CIs while maintaining a record of changes to CIs, versions, location and custodianship/ownership.
No CI should be added, modified, replaced or removed without an appropriate controlling documentation or procedure being followed.
Policies and procedures need to be produced for:
  • „ Licence control, to ensure that the correct number of people are using licences and that there is no unlicensed use and no wastage
  • „ Version control of service asset, software and hardware versions, images/builds and releases
  • „ Access control, e.g. to facilities, storage areas and CMS
  • „ Build control, including the use of build specification from the CMS to perform a build
  • „ Promotion, migration of electronic data and information
  • „ Taking a configuration baseline of assets or CIs before performing a release (into system, acceptance test and production) in a manner that can be used for subsequent checking against actual deployment
  • „ Deployment control including distribution
  • „ Installation
  • „ Maintaining the integrity of the DML
Often there are many procedures that can change a CI. These should be reviewed and aligned with the CI types where possible as standardisation prevents errors. During the planning stage it is important to design an effective configuration control model and implement this in a way that staff can easily locate and use the associated training products and procedures.
All configurations are controlled through the change management process.

Status accounting and reporting

Each asset or CI will have one or more discrete states through which it can progress. The significance of each state should be defined in terms of what use can be made of the asset or CI in that state. There will typically be a range of states relevant to the individual asset or CIs.
A simple example of a lifecycle is:
  • „ Purchased
  • „ Request for change assigned
  • „ In build
  • „ In test
  • „ Live
  • „ Declining
  • „ Retired/withdrawn
  • „ Disposed
The way CIs move from one state to another should be defined and at each lifecycle status change the CMS should be updated with the reason, date time stamp and person that did the status change.

Service asset and configuration reports
Typical reports include:
  • „ A list of product configuration information included in a specific configuration baseline
  • „ A list of configuration items and their configuration baselines
  • „ Details of the current revision status and change history
  • „ Status reports on changes and deviations
  • „ Details of the status of delivered and maintained products concerning part and traceability numbers
  • „ Revision status
  • „ Report on unauthorised usage of hardware and software
  • „ Unauthorised CIs detected
  • „ Variations from CMS to physical audit reports.
  • „ Status reports of assets for a business unit or software licence holdings are often required by financial management for budgeting, accounting and charging
Verification and audit
The activities include a series of reviews or audits to:
  • „ Ensure there is conformity between the documented baselines (e.g. agreements, interface control documents) and the actual business environment to which they refer
  • „ Verify the physical existence of CIs in the organisation or in the DML and spares stores, the functional and operational characteristics of CIs, and to check that the records in the CMS match the physical infrastructure
  • „ Check that release and configuration documentation is present before making a release
When to carry out verification and audit
Before a major release or change, an audit of a specific configuration may be required to ensure that the customer’s environment matches the CMS.
Before acceptance into the live environment, new releases, builds, equipment and standards should be verified against the contracted or specified requirements.
There should be a test certificate that proves that the functional requirements of a new or updated CI have been verified, or some other relevant document, for example a request for change.
Unregistered and unauthorised items that are discovered during configuration audits should be investigated and corrective action taken to address possible issues with procedures and the behaviour of personnel. All exceptions are logged and reported.
Configuration audits check in addition that change and release records have been properly authorised by change management and that implemented changes are as authorised. Configuration audits should be considered at the following times:
  • „ Shortly after changes to the CMS
  • „ Before and after changes to the IT services or infrastructure
  • „ Before a release or installation to ensure that the environment is as expected
  • „ Following recovery from disasters and after a return to normal (this audit should be included in contingency plans)
  • „ At planned intervals
  • „ At random intervals
  • „ In response to the detection of any unauthorized CIs
If there is a high incidence of unauthorised CIs detected, the frequency of configuration audits should be increased.

Service asset and configuration management relationship with other processes

As the single virtual repository of configuration data and information for IT service management, service asset and configuration management supports and interfaces with every other process and activity to some degree.
  • „ Change management – identifying the impact of proposed changes
  • „ Financial management – capturing key financial information such as cost, depreciation methods, owner and user (for budgeting and cost allocation),maintenance and repair costs
  • „ ITSCM – awareness of assets the business services depend on, control of key spares and software
  • „ Incident/problem/error – providing and maintaining key diagnostic information; maintenance and provision of data to the service desk
  • „ Availability management in detection of points of failure
  • „ Etc!
The relationship with change and release and deployment is particularly important, with these processes benefiting greatly from a single coordinated planning approach.

Key performance indicators and metrics for service asset and 
configuration management
The following measures are applicable:
  • „ Percentage improvement in maintenance scheduling over the life of an asset (not too much, not too late)
  • „ Degree of alignment between provided maintenance and business support
  • „ Assets identified as the cause of service failures
  • „ Improved speed for incident management to identify faulty CIs and restore service
  • „ Impact of incidents and errors affecting particular CI types, e.g. from particular suppliers or development groups, for use in improving the IT services
  • „ Percentage re-use and redistribution of under utilized resources and assets
  • „ Degree of alignment of insurance premiums with business needs
  • „ Ratio of used licences against paid for licences (should be close to 100%)
  • „ Average cost per user for licences (i.e. more effective charging options achieved)
  • „ Achieved accuracy in budgets and charges for the assets utilised by each customer or business unit
  • „ Percentage reduction in business impact of outages and incidents caused by poor asset and configuration management
  • „ Improved audit compliance
Other measures include:
  • „ Increased quality and accuracy of asset and configuration information
  • „ Fewer errors caused by people working with out of date information
  • „ Shorter audits as quality asset and configuration information is easily accessible
  • „ Reduction in the use of unauthorized hardware and software, nonstandard and variant builds that increase complexity, support costs and risk to the business services
  • „ Reduction in the average time and cost of diagnosing and resolving incidents and problems (by type)
  • „ Improvement in time to identify poor performing and poor quality assets
  • „ Occasions when the configuration is not as authorised
  • „ Changes that were not completed successfully or caused errors because of poor impact assessment, incorrect data in the CMS, or poor version control
  • „ Exceptions reported during configuration audits
  • „ Value of IT components detected in use
  • „ Reduction in risks to the business/organisation due to early identification of unauthorised change

Release and deployment

Release and deployment is primarily responsible for managing all aspects of the end-to-end release process. The release and deployment manager will report to the Service Transition manager as will the service test manager; however theseroles should always be undertaken by separate people, and never be combined, to ensure that there is always independent testing and test verification.

The release and deployment manager
The release and deployment manager is responsible for the planning, design, build, configuration and testing of all software and hardware to create the release package for the delivery of, or changes to, the designated service.

The release and deployment manager has the following responsibilities:

  • · Manages all aspects of the end-to-end release process
  • · Updates the SKMS and CMS
  • · Ensures coordination of build and test environment team and release teams
  • · Ensures teams follow the organization’s established policies and procedures
  • · Provides management reports on release progress
  • · Service release and deployment policy and planning
  • · Deals with release package design, build and configuration
  • · Deals with release package acceptance including business sign-off
  • · Deals with service roll-out planning including method of deployment
  • · Deals with release package testing to predefined Acceptance Criteria
  • · Signs off the release package for implementation
  • · Deals with communication, preparation and training
  • · Audits hardware and software before and after the implementation of release package changes
  • · Installs new or upgraded hardware
  • · Deals with storage and traceability/auditability of controlled software in both centralized and distributed systems
  • · Deals with release, distribution and the installation of packaged software.
However, some of these responsibilities will be delegated to the relevant release
team sub-process.

The main components to be controlled are:

  • Service documentation including:
· Service Portfolio
· Service catalogue
· Service level agreement, OLAs and UCs
· Service Design and specification

  • · Application programs developed in-house
  • · Externally developed software (including standard off-the-shelf software as well as custom-written software)
  • · Utility software
  • · Supplier-provided systems software
  • · Hardware, and hardware specifications
  • · Assembly instructions and documentation, including user manuals.
All deliverables need to be managed effectively, from development or
purchasing, through customization and configuration, through testing and
implementation, to operation in the live environment.

Release packaging and build

Release packaging and build management is the flow of work (establish requirements, design, build, test, deploy, operate and optimize) to deliver applications and infrastructure that meet the Service Design requirements.

The release packaging and build manager

The release packaging and build manager has the following responsibilities:

· Establishes the final release configuration (e.g. knowledge, information,hardware, software and infrastructure)
· Builds the final release delivery
· Tests the final delivery prior to independent testing
· Establishes and reports outstanding known errors and workarounds
· Provides input to the final implementation sign-off process.

The release packaging and build manager cannot perform this role in isolation; other functions with which there will be significant interface are:

· Security management
· Test management
· Change and Service Asset Configuration Management
· Capacity management
· Availability management
· Incident management
· Quality management.


Deployment staff have the following responsibilities:

· Deal with the final physical delivery of the service implementation
· Coordinate release documentation and communications, including training and customer, Service Management and technical release notes
· Plan the deployment in conjunction with change and Knowledge Management and SACM

· Provide technical and application guidance and support throughout the release process, including known errors and workarounds
· Provide feedback on the effectiveness of the release
· Record metrics for deployment to ensure within agreed SLAs.


“ yeşil alan “ hizmet geçişi uygulaması, yeni bir hizmet sağlayıcısı kurulduğu zaman mümkündür. Hizmet geçişi, gelişiminde en fazla hizmet sağlayan odak olmuştur. Hizmet geçişinin gelişimi için önemli beş yol izlenir:

  •        Gerekçeler: hizmet geçişin yararları her zaman istemci tarafından hemen görülmez. Etkisiz evreler tarafından zararlı olayların kanıtını toplama hizmet servisinin gelişimini ve kuruluşunu haklı çıkarabilir. Dikkate alınması gerekenler örneğin:  yanlış değişikliklerdeki harcama yada çevresel prosedürlerin içindeki hizmet hataları ki onlar iyi bir test sürecinde kullanılıyorsa kaçınılmalıdır.
  •       Tasarım: hizmet geçiş tasarımlandığı zaman içinde olan faktörler:
-          Standartlara ve kurallara bağlı kalmalı
-           Program yönetimi, istemci, son kullanıcı ve diğer paydaşlar gibi hizmet projelerini destekleyen hizmetlerle ilişkiler
-          Bütçe ve araçlar
  •        Tanıtım:  deneyimler bize öğretti ki büyümenin gelişiminde akıllı olasılığıdır yada  geçerli projelerde hizmet geçişinde yeni uygulamalardır. Gelişimin ümit edici yanı projelerin dağıtımından sonucuna kadar uzmanlığın daha ağır gelmemesidir.
  •        Kültürel açıdan : ürünler oluşurken bütün formüller organizasyonun içindeki kültürel değişimden etkilenir. Bu dikkate alınmalı ve bu sadece personelinin düşüncelerinde değil, hizmet geçişinde doğrudan etkilidir, ama bütün paydaşlar dikkat eder.
  •       Riskler ve faydalar : tanıtım hakkında karar almaz ya da umulman yarar ve riskler içinde bir vukuf dışında hizmet geçişinin gelişimi

Diğer Yaşam döngüsüyle ilişkiler

Bu kitapta hizmet geçişi sunulmasına rağmen azda olsa yaşam döngüsü de işlenmiştir, bu onun sahibinin bakışı olabileceği anlamına gelmez. Hizmet operasyonunda çıktılar ve hizmet tasarımına girdiler dışında, hizmet geçişinde amaç değildir.
Orada bilginin girdi ve çıktıları ve deneyimleri  hizmet geçişindendir. Bu bilge ve deneyimin takip eden her iki yol :
·         Karşı takip: hizmet geçişi örneği için, çevresel prosedürler içinde benzer hizmetlerde nasıl davranılıyorsa hizmet geçişinde pratik deneyimler paylaşılacaktır.